The Literacy Volunteers of Woodmont donated hundreds of books to the West Haven Public Schools this school year. These books have been greatly appreciated by teachers and students and have found their way into many classroom libraries. The books supplied have been given to students to take home as an effort to create “book-rich” family environments. Research shows that books in the home can contribute to future academic success. Pictured here are students from Savin Rock reading the books! They also wrote Thank You notes to the Literacy Volunteers of Woodmont!
The Literacy Volunteers of Woodmont donated hundreds of books to the West Haven Public Schools this school year. These books have been greatly appreciated by teachers and students and have found their way into many classroom libraries. The books supplied have been given to students to take home as an effort to create “book-rich” family environments. Research shows that books in the home can contribute to future academic success. Pictured here are students from Savin Rock reading the books! They also wrote Thank You notes to the Literacy Volunteers of Woodmont!
Mackrille second graders had some visitors from Bailey NJHS members. The second graders have been working on multiplication, so the Bailey Buddies helped them build Array Cities and played Roll An Array together.
REMINDER | There will be no school Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
It was a big concert night for the district on Tuesday! Mackrille and Pagels Schools each hosted a 4th Grade Chorus Concert, while Bailey’s 7th and 8th graders capped off the evening with a Spring Concert of their own! Follow us on Instagram @westhavenpublicschoolsct to see a few videos from their performances!
REMINDER | Tomorrow, May 24th, will be a half day for students due to staff development.
On Monday, the West Haven High School Theatre Workshop performed “Snow White and the Seven Entrepreneurs” during its Children’s Theatre Field Trip for all our elementary schools!
On Friday, students at Mackrille School watched a laser show about preventing bullying!
Mackrille Elementary School hosted a Science Fair last week! Here are some photos from the successful event.
#westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct #mackrille
Mackrille Elementary School had a special guest today as Len Cabral, an internationally acclaimed storyteller, visited our students in the gymnasium! Len has been enchanting audiences with his storytelling performances at schools, libraries, museums, and festivals since 1976.
Len is the recipient of the National Storytelling Network 2001 Circle of Excellence Oracle Award. He also has 5 CD’s and audio cassettes featuring a wide range of his favorite stories, several receiving NAPPA and Parents’ Choice awards.
📢 REMINDER | Washington Elementary School will host 𝐀 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞 tonight from 6 - 8 pm!! Please join us as we reminisce about the wonderful memories the students, staff, and school has given us!
📢 REMINDER | Washington Elementary School will host 𝐀 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞 tonight from 6 - 8 pm!! Please join us as we reminisce about the wonderful memories the students, staff, and school has given us!
During the past two weeks, science facilitators at each of our elementary schools planned activities for our students to celebrate Earth Day! Read about each activity here >
The Bailey Middle School Drama Club will be presenting the musical 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙯𝙚𝙣, 𝙅𝙧. this Friday, April 28th at 7 pm and Saturday, April 29th at 2 pm! The shows will take place in the WHHS Auditorium. Please see the flyer below for more information and click the link for a WHHS student-produced promotional video!
Mackrille School hosted its 4th Grade Book Bowl in which students had to read a variety of books and answer questions! 📚🧠
📢 ATTENTION PARENTS | If your child will be absent due to Eid, please contact your child's school to document this religious absence.
📢 Attention all certified teachers, RNs, and soon-to-be certified teachers! The West Haven Board of Education will host its 2023 Recruitment Reception on April 20th from 4-7 pm at West Haven High School! Please see the flyer below for more information.
REMINDER | Spring Recess begins tomorrow! There will be no school from Friday, April 7th through Friday, April 14th. Classes will resume Monday, April 17th. Enjoy the break everyone!
SAVE THE DATE!! Bailey Middle School Drama Club Proudly Presents: Disney's Frozen the Musical, Jr.! Please see the flyer below for all information regarding the show.
The West Haven PTA Council is proud to recognize our 2023 Unsung Hero recipients during an annual dinner on Thursday, April 27th at 5:30 pm in the WHHS Cafeteria! Please see the flyer below for more information. Tickets can be purchased here >